My House!

A simple Minecraft house of wood and cobblestone, behind
a yard with some flowers and a campfire.

It's not much, but it's mine!

The inside of the house. There are some chests and utilities.
Another angle of the inside, with two chests, a bed, and
two dogs: one with a red collar (Rodrigo) and another with a blue (Rocco).

Rodrigo and Rocco! No particular significance to their names. They just... look like a Rodrigo and a Rocco.

I originally only had one dog (Rodrigo), but one day, Rocco just kind of... showed up near my house. This was strange because the nearest dogs only spawn in the forest a ways away. He almost seemed to be asking to join us (or maybe he was just sizing up the livestock in the barn next door lol), so I tamed him, and now there are two! I imagine he's a bit of a free spirit, always full of energy, whereas Rodrigo is a bit more chill and laid-back.

A corner of the house with an opening in the floor and
a sign indicating that it's the entrance to a basement. Rodrigo looks at the camera, wondering if you
have any snacks.
The basement. The floors and ceiling are wood, and the
floor is red carpet and cobblestone. On the other end, there is an enchanting table surrounded with
bookshelves and a decorative stained glass mural.

The basement/enchanting room! It's not quite done yet (none of this is, really), but... I'm working on it okay

A closer view of the enchanting area. A closer view of the stained glass.

My stained glass mural! The colors don't have any significance, I just wanted a cool pattern lol

A partially transparent Xbox controller.
A glittery blue figurine of Rainbow Dash
Green snail figurine

My Barn!

A simple two-story barn-shaped structure made of sakura
wood with a large window on the second story.

The barn! This is basically the only place near my house that has animals, after someone hunted them to near extiction!

A view of the barn's interior. There is an opening on the
other side of the room, leading to a pen outside. Animals can move freely between the barn and outside. A view of the outside pen. Many animals walk along tall grass
and flowers.
Back inside the barn. This is a view of a corner with a
ladder leading upstairs.

To the attic!

A view from the top story, through the large window. A view from the back of the barn, where there is an indentical
Sticker of a castle
Sticker of a cat with a flower pattern in its fur
A flying heart with wings
A keychain with a bow, key, and heart-shaped charm.

Other places!

Rocky hillside. There's a door leading to a Nether portal,
somewhat visible through a small window on the side.

My Nether portal! I carved it out of the side of a random hill, because I hate the Nether and the disgusting sounds the portal makes lol.

The inside of the Nether portal room. In a corner, there's
a bed and a chest.

Nothing in here but a bed and a chest with a few necessities.

In the Nether now. A room made entirely of cobblestone.
There's an iron door leading outside.

In the Nether, I built a little structure around my portal to keep out the Ghasts and other googlies. It was a bit (ahem) cobbled together, but it gets the job done.

A view from the window in the Nether structure. Not
much but sand and fire.


A view of a farm in the overworld. Many types of crops grow

My farm! Not too much to see here, but it's fun to look at and watch all the plants get bigger.

More to come!

A cake covering in strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.
Hey Friend. I care about you!
A blooming blue flower


Nothing yet! Come back later!